fex-metrica comprises a set of preprocessing and statistical tools for the analysis of time series of facial expressions. This toolbox contains Matlab functions and classes for preprocessing the time series computed with FACET SDK and Emotient Analytics facial expressions recognition tools developped by Emotient, Inc.

Project Tree

doc/                documnetation [not developped]
fexSDK/             software development kit
    samples/        directory for sample application codes
    shared/         directory with shared hardcoded information
    src/            source code directory
        facet/      directory with cpp file for FacetSDK
        fexc.m      master class for fex-metrica
        ui/         directory for user interface
        util/       directory for utilities
        viewer/     visualization toolbox
    test/           directory for tests
fexinstall.m        installation script
LICENSE.md          MIT license
README.md           this file


Analytic tools can be access using fexc.m, which defines the main object used in fex-metrica. This class wraps the Emotient, Inc toolbox for video analysis, as well as generic video manipulation utilities, and timeseries transformations. The tools associated with a FEXC object include:


Fex-metrica was developped on Unix. Most operation should work on Windows as well, but they were never tested.

The following Matlab modules are required:

Additionally, the VIEWER functions require ffmpeg (or avconv).

Facet SDK

When using Emotient Analytics, the facet module is not required. Instruction for installation using Facet SDK are included in the facet directory.


Start Matlab, and navigate to the main fex-metrica directory. On the Matlab prompt, type the following:

>> fexinstall(1)

This will:

After installation, in order to initialize fex-metrica type:



The doc folder is empty. For now, documentation for most functions or methods can be accessed from Matlab, using “help” or “doc.”

The samples folder contains examples of some operations that you can carry on in fex-metrica.


Scheduled Uptgrades

Method Update isDone?
.FEXC Update documentation 0
  Fix timing issue 0
.UPDATE Add multiple args 0
.REINITIALIZE Use defaults 0
.FEXPORT Clean code 0
  Remove method “data1” 0
.DERIVESENTIMENTS Make Sentiments a getter func 0
  Set .thrsemo as structure 0
  Add two thresold method 0
.DOWNSAMPLE Fix structural & video 0
  Gaussian kernel option 0
.SETBASELINE Make a private property 0
  Improve “neutral options” 0
.INTERPOLATE Matrix size with structural 0
.GETMATRIX Implement as MATRIX 0
.GETBAND Implement 0
.NORMALIZE Add arbitrary bounds 0
.SHOWANNOTATION Make stakable in GET 0
.REGRESS Implement MLR 0
.CLASSIFY Implement MLR 0
.SHOWANNOTATION Make stakable in GET 0
.DEFAULT Global default files 0
.ESTCRF Canonical Resp. Project 0
.TEST Implement tests 0


Support for this research was provided by NSF SBE 1232676. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF.