=========== WARNING ===========

The facial expression data used in this example were computed using FACET SDK (v4.0.5) – namely the SDK associated with Emotient Analytics. The current online version of the software is 4.1.1. There are few differences of in the output, notably:

Due to the lack of landmarks in the output from Emotient Analytics, some of the viewer options currently do not work. This will be fixed soon. For the sake of this example, use the “_facet.csv”. For comparison, I included the output of the online version (i.e. “data/contempt_ea.csv”).

=========== Example ===========

This folder contains an example of some of the tools from fex-metrica. The code can be run from the file exemple1.m. I am assuming that fex-metrica was already installed (if not, follow the direction here.

NOTE: The facial expression processing output was extracted using FacetSDK – i.e. the SDK version of Emotient Analytics.


There are three sets of files in the data folder, one for each of these videos:

Each video is associated with three files: .mov, facet.csv, and ea.csv. The “facet.csv” files contain the output from version 4.0.5 of FACET SDK. The “ea.csv” files contain the output from version 4.1.1 from Emotient Analytic Website.

Signal Description

This section is adapted from Emotient Documentation.

The files that end with “facet.csv”, which were computed with SDK v4.0.5 contains the following variable types:

Type Number Score Description
Frame size 2 pixels (rows and columns)
Time Information 1 Frame time of acquisition (sec.)
Face box 4 hight, width, x, y (from top-left)
Gender 1 evidence (positive = male)
Action Units 19 evidence (positive = present)
Basic Emotions 7 evidence (positive = present)
Advanced Emotions 7 evidence (positive = present)
Overal sentiments 3 evidence (positive = present)
Landmarks (x,y) 16 pixel count from top-left
Pose 3 degrees from frontal
Track 1 scalar for face identified (-1 = no face)


Evidence: These scores indicate the ration in log_{10} for a feature being present versus absent, that is: LikeRatio(f_present/f_absent).


Action Units: These features (AU) were described by Paul Eckman in the Facial Action Coding System, which is a taxonomy of human movements. There are 44 AUs. The AUs included in the “facet.csv” files are: AU1, AU2, AU4-AU7, AU9-AU10, AU12, AU14, AU15, AU17, AU18, AU20, AU23-AU26, AU28. Image and examples for AUs can be find here.


Emotions: Emotions can be described as combinations of AUs. There are multiple combinations of AUs that describe specific emotions. One example from EMFACS-7 is:

Emotion Action Units
Happiness 6+12
Sadness 1+4+15
Surprise 1+2+5B+26
Fear 1+2+4+5+7+20+26
Anger 4+5+7+23
Disgust 9+15+16
Contempt R12A+R14A


Overall Sentiments: Evidence of positive, negative, and neutral sentiments.

The SDK data include directly computed scores for positive, negative and neutral sentiments. From Emotient Analytics, you will now get scores that are derived from a combination of positive emotions (Happiness and Surprise), and negative emotions (Sadness, Fear, Anfer, Disgust, and Contempt).

Fex-metrica uses max-pooling to compute aggregate measures for positive, negative and neutral sentiments (fexc.derivesentiments described momentarely).


Pose: There are three pose features, all indicating degrees from frontal in a specific plan:


Tracks: The track score is a scalar, which indicate each of the face tracked. Importantly, track does not imply facial identy, rather it means that the same face was tracked over time. Therefore, ther can be multiple track for the same person. The csv files raws are ordered by track rather than by timestamps, so a file would tipically look like:

Track TimeStamp
0 0.06
0 0.20
1 0.06
1 0.27
K 2.00
-1 0.13

The value -1 indicates that no face was found in the frame.

=========== Documentation ===========

Most function have a documentation, and you can access it using “help” or “doc” on the Matlab front. For example, this allows you to access the main class documentation, as well as the documentation of the related methods and functions:

>> doc fexc

=========== FexMetrica Postprocessing ===========

Fex-metrica is meant to be used after you download the data from Emotient Analytics website or, in this case, an SDK – if you have the SDK, you can call it from Matlab directly. The postprocessing of the facial expression time series discussed below can be run using this code:

% Use this data
vid = {'data/contempt.mov','data/disgust.mov','data/smile.mov'};
vid = {'data/contempt_facet.csv','data/disgust_facet.csv','data/smile_facet.csv'};

% Construction
fexobj = fexc('video',vid,'data',dat,'outdir',[pwd '/output']);

% False Positive Detection

% Temporal Processing

% Normalization

% Sentiment Derivation / Constraining

% Export resulting data

The sections below elaborare on each of the above steps, that is:

Construct a FEXC object

A fexc object is the main class used for the analysis. The constructor requires the movie files and the .csv files.

% Use this data
vid = {'data/contempt.mov','data/disgust.mov','data/smile.mov'};
vid = {'data/contempt_facet.csv','data/disgust_facet.csv','data/smile_facet.csv'};

% Construction
fexobj = fexc('video',vid,'data',dat,'outdir',[pwd '/output']);

The function fex_init adds fex-metrica to your path. Calling fexc creates the FEXC object. This object has the following public properties:

>> fexobj = 
3x1 fexc array with properties:
    name                % Name of the video
    video               % Path to the video
    videoInfo           % Info about the video (e.g. duration, fps)
    functional          % Emotion expressions and AUs timeseries
    structural          % Landmarks and Pose timeseries
    sentiments          % Overal sentiments derived with the method described above
    time                % Seconds (double and strings)
    design              % External data, such as stimuli time from your experiment


Alternatively, you can use the “ui” option and select the data with:

fexobj = fexc('ui');

alt text

The UI let you select:

  1. Video files;
  2. Files with the facial expressions timeseries;
  3. Design files
  4. Outout directory.

If you have the movies, but not the files with facial expressions, the UI gives you the option to analyze the data by pressing the FACET button. For this option to work, you need to have a local copy of the Facet SDK installed.


Once fexobj exists, you can get general information about the videos and data in several ways:

% Videos description, sentiments and percent of missing obeservations 

% Descriptive statistics video-wise, e.g. 'mean'
fexobj.get('mean');            % Mean per video   
fexobj.get('mean','-global');  % Mean across videos

Object Description

Spatial Processing

This section of the code is meant to get rid of outliers, and false positive – that is, patches of pixels that are recognized as a face, but that do not containa face. One conservative options is to do it in 2 steps:

  1. Use face-box position to exclude frames;
  2. Use coregistration error.

Note that when you call a method from a FEXC object which contain data from multiple videos, the method is applied to all videos, unless you use indices (e.g. » fexobj(1).coregister).

The method FALSEPOSITIVE with ‘method’ set to ‘position’ finds multi-variate outliers of face location in a frame. The argument ‘threshold’ let you specify how many standard deviations away from the mean an outlier is. Note that this approach is advised if and only if the person in a video don’t move around too much.

The method COREGISTER uses procrustes analysis to register a face box and the associated face landmarks to a standardized face in the current video. This procedure can be used to identify “false positive.” In particular, the sum of square error from the coregistration is z-scored, and then frames with error larger than the specified threshold are discarded.

An additional correction can be done with the method motioncorrect, which uses pose information (pitch, roll and yaw) to regress out changes in signal due to motion of the subject in the video. You can run the following code for motion correction:


All FUNCTIONAL features are regressed against the POSE features. The “thrs” argument indicates that only pose componets with |r| > 0.50 will be used in the regression model. The ‘normalization’ argument set to ‘-whiten’ makes the pose variables independent and zero-mean.

Temporal Processing

Temporal processing of facial expression data include several methods:

interpolate - Interpolate timeseries & manages NaNs.   downsample - Reduced functional sampling rate to desired fps. smooth - Smooth time series using standard or costume kernel. temporalfilt - Apply low, high, or bandpass filter to FEXC.functional.



These methods normalize the timeseries. The method SETBASELINE sets a baseline for each timeseries independetly. You can use statistics such as ‘mean’, ‘median’, ‘q75’ (i.e. 75th quantile). The facial expression time series X will be set to X-fun(X).


You can call SETBASELINE with the flag ‘-global’ that is:


In this case, the statistics selected for normalization (i.e. ‘mean’) is computed over all videos in the FEXC object. By default, the descriptive statistics is computed video-wise.


The second step in normalization is “rectification,” which involve setting all facial expressions values lower than a threshold t to t:


In this example, the threshold is set to t=-1.



Positive, negative and neutral are computed using the derivesentiments method.

For each frame, derivesentiments gets:

Each frame is then tagged as positive, negative or neutral based on the formula:

S_{f} = argmax(P_{f},N_{f}*,ξ)

The variable ξ (set to 0.25 in the example above) is a margin used to define neutral frames. A frame is considered neutral if:

max(P_{f},N_{f}) <= ξ.

Scores for positive and negative frames are set, respectively, to P, -1*N or ξ, based on which sentiment is more expressed.


A second way to call derivesentiments is the following:

fexobj.derivesentiments(0.25, 0);

The second argument will set the emotion from the non wining sentiment to some constant c, in this case set to c = 0.


There are three main visualization methods associated with fexc objects:

  1. SHOW method: display emotions timeseries and methods;
  2. VIEWER method: shows video along with emotion timeseries;
  3. VIEWER method with ‘overlay’ option: shows heat maps of emotions.


The SHOW method generates an image with time-series for 7 basic emotions, 2 advanced emotions (frustration and confusion) and sentiments. Note that sentiments are not the naive sentiments classifier chanels; instead they are computed using max-pooling with the DERIVESENTIMENTS method.


Viewer - Video and time series

The VIEWER method called without arguments displays the video and associated timeseries. The tools menu item allows you to focus on the face, and add visualize morphological property for the face displaied in each video.

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The UI opened by the method VIEWER has several functionality that can be accessed from the “Tools” menu. Additionally, there are short-keys associated with the UI. For a detailed description look at the help menu:

help fexw_streamerui

Viewer - Overlay display


Save Files and Images