facet Module

This code is a Matlab toolbox that wraps some of the functionalities of the FACET SDK, and it is part of Fex-Metrica ((c) Filippo Rossi 2014 - 2015).

The cpp directory contains:

=========== Installation (OSX ONLY) ===========

This guide applies to OS X only, and to Homebrew users. If you installed FACET SDK, you probably have run most of these commands. However, if Homebrew is not set up, install Homebrew from a terminal with the following command:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

IMPORTANT: if you use mac-ports, don’t use the command above, because it could cause conflicts. If you are willing to switch from mac-port to Homebrew, follow this guide.

After installing Homebrew, do the following:

brew update
brew tap homebrew/science
brew install cmake, jsoncpp
sudo ln -s /usr/local/include/jsoncpp/json /usr/local/include/json

If you haven’t installed OpenCV, you need to do it now. In a terminal, run the following command:

brew edit opencv

This will open the opencv.rb file. Find the following lines in the file:

jpeg = Formula["jpeg"]
py_prefix = %x(python-config --prefix).chomp
py_version = %x(python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)")[0..2]

After the “py_version … “ line, add the following lines:

ENV.append "CXXFLAGS", "-stdlib=libstdc++"
ENV.append "CFLAGS", "-stdlib=libstdc++"
ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-stdlib=libstdc++ -lstdc++"
ENV["CXX"] = "/usr/bin/clang++ -stdlib=libstdc++"

Save, and close the .rb file. Now you need to install OpenCV. You can use the following command (which will also install several dependencies, including ffmpeg):

brew install --with-ffmpeg --build-from-source --fresh -vd homebrew/science/opencv

All required package should be set up, and you can now install fex-metrica. Start Matlab, and navigate to the main fex-metrica directory. On the Matlab prompt, type the following:

>> fexinstall

A UI will pop up, which will ask you to indicate the path for the FacetSDK directory – this is the directory of the Emotient toolbox, which contains subdirectories “facets”, “include,” “samples,” … After adding the FacetSDK directory, the .cpp code from fex-metrica will be compiled and tested.

After installation, in order to initialize fex-metrica type:


Change ‘FEX_METRICA_PATH’ to a string with the full path to the main fex-metrica folder.

=========== Comments ===========

The Linux version of the code .cpp code is outdated. The OS X version is under development. The matlab code will be removed.